Titles Available for Purchase
The Redemption of Motherhood
1 video | Rent $4 | Buy $7.99
1 Kings 3 tells the story of two women who the Bible says were harlots and 1 attempted to deceive the other after she accidentally killed her baby. In the beginning of the narrative both women are referred to as harlots but by the end of the story the king calls one of the harlots "the mother". ...
The Birthing of Vision
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $7.99
This message from Proverbs 29 that encourages faith to embrace and endure the process to vision fulfillment. We must be careful to avoid feverish futile efforts without trust and faith in God's process. Vision embraces the process and understands that repetition can be the curriculum for success.
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Settle Down
1 video | Buy $7.99
Psalms 91 the writer shares an exhortation to them that feels tossed to and from by the variegating challenges of life. It is most common to be overcome with anxiety when life's challenges compound themselves. Jesus says in John 14 to ,,,let not you heart be troubled, however, Job declared that...
Do Well and Close the Door
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $7.99
Gen 4 narrates the story of Cain and Able, particularly how Abel's offering was accepted while Cain's was rejected. In the moment of rejection, bitterness and brokenness will take over and open a life long door of sin and torment. We must be champions in the moments of disappointment and close t...